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Cultural Innovation Fund – developed at Innovation Dialogue

June 2017

On Saturday and Sunday, 10th and 11th of June, took part the first Innovation Dialogue held in Romania. More than 60 Romanian and foreign experts worked in four interdisciplinary teams on topics offered by the European Commission, DG CONNECT, the Committee of the Regions, the City Hall of Cluj-Napoca and ARIES Transilvania.

”The two days of Innovation Dialogue were an opportunity to design the pilot program of the Cultural Innovation Fund for this year. We have worked with urban planners, cultural managers, sociologists, economists, technology and public administration specialists and we have defined what will be the first experimental contributions of culture to improving urban and metropolitan mobility. The project also gives us the context of connecting us through the Committee of the Regions and similar European initiatives”

explained the co-facilitators of the Committee of the Regions Working Group, Anamaria Vrabie, MKBT co-founder, and Stefan Teişanu, Executive Director of the The Cluj Cultural Center. The working group included Rariţa Zbranca (CCC Program Director), Alina Porumb (senior consultant for the Association for Community Relations), Daniel Homorodean (Arxia CEO), Adela Fofiu (President of the Social Circle), Mihai Racu (architect), Norbert Petrovici (Sociologist, Babeş-Bolyai University), Claudiu Salanţă (Chief Architect of Cluj-Napoca County Council) and Bogdana Neamţu (FSPAC). The Cultural Innovation Fund will be launched this fall in Cluj and it’s purpose is to support the experiment of alternative solutions in order to improve the shared use of the city. This project of the Cluj Cultural Center will support, with private funds and specialized human resources, civic groups that propose innovative solutions to the current problems of the city.